Brand Logo |
Branch Name |
Phone Number |
 | Main Bridge Computers Network Nig. Ltd Abuja | 201-208, 09-2343613, 08044182923 |
 | Maitakama Computers System Abuja | |
 | Majestic Electronics , Abuja | 08030382623 07026071005 |
 | MALEDEXX LIMITED Abuja | 08033141926 08055986988 |
 | Malez Global Enterprises Abuja | 07061988292 08032833155 |
 | Manix Nig. Limited Abuja | 08036237093 08055358453 |
 | Mantorel Invest. Ltd Abuja | 08034503701 |
 | Marenazation Abuja | 08065980563 08086636719 |
 | Marid Computers Abuja | 234 9 5238751 |
 | Mark C Communication Abuja | 08061614146 08077722134 |
 | Mark Tee Computers Ltd Abuja | 08033142331 |
 | Markgrey Computer Training School Abuja | 09-3148571 |
 | Markgrey Computers Limited Abuja | 234 1 4139853 |
 | Martins And Sons Electronics Nigeria Enterprises Abuja | 08055178674 |
 | Master Dish Ltd, Abuja | 08023570065 |
 | MASTERDISH COMPUTERS Abuja | 08069566442 080235700065 08035169778 |
 | Mastertouch Technologies Ltd Abuja | 07033549225 08183985196 09-8766759 |
 | Math Line Technologies Limited Abuja | 08024012010 07035172853 |
 | Mav Ventures Abuja | 08033153437 |
 | Max Elctronics Abuja | 08133716473 |
 | Max Global Electronic Co. Ltd , Abuja | 08033933693 |
 | Max Global Electronics Company Limited Abuja | 08033933693 |
 | Mayor Cash Enterprises Abuja | 07034845798 08038843885 |
 | Mbm Executive Computer Training Centre Abuja | 09-2341340 |
 | mBx Limited Abuja | 08122228838,08183667802 |
 | Mc Quintus Ltd Abuja | 08034024041 08033057944 |
 | Mc-G Engineering Nigeria Limited Abuja | 08035597565 |
 | Mcce Computers Abuja | 08064659978 08185094686 |
 | Mecdon Electroworld Ltd Abuja | 08066269671 |
 | Mechiton (nig) Enterprises Abuja | 08033113981 |
 | MEEWAY ELECTRICAL NIG. LTD.Abuja | 08056009407 |
 | MEG GLOBAL RESOURCES Abuja | 08039518098 |
 | Mega Links Computers Abuja | 08036243479 07032477165 |
 | Mega Point Electronics Abuja | 08055242890 |
 | Mega Point Electronics Abuja | 08058476228 |
 | MEGA WATTS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD Abuja | 08023078495 08055537738 |
 | MEGA WATTS ELECTRON NIG. LTD Abuja | 09-6703616 08036224663 |
 | Mehdi Global Services Ltd (samsung Place) Abuja | 09-8775933 |
 | MEKA-BIZ COMPLEX Abuja | 08033925654 08026425260 |
 | Meklin International Ltd Abuja | 08054156714 |
 | Micheal Concepts Limited Abuja | 07068094152 |
 | Michel Concept Integrated Services Ltd Abuja | 08034926191 |
 | Micro Age Solutions Limited Abuja | 234 9 2347593 2346780 |
 | Micro Chips Systems Ltd Abuja | 09-5230479 |
 | Micro Link Resources Ltd Abuja | |
 | Micro Works Nig Limited Abuja, | 234 1 5236746, 5234873 |
 | Microchips Systems Ltd Abuja | 08035963881, 08081401400, 08150947769 |
 | Microcity Computers Ltd Abuja | 09-6705185 08033203807 |
 | Micromab Integrated Computer Ltd Abuja | 09-2905362 08059259306 |
 | Midel Computers & Printing Services Abuja | |
 | Mighty Ben Electronics Abuja | 08038437977 |
 | Mighty Resources Ltd Abuja | 07037801441 08076782436 |
 | MIKE & XCOMPANY ELECTRICAL (NIG) LTD Abuja | 08033116870 |
 | Mike Dad Nig. Ltd Abuja | 08055164707 |
 | MILLENARI LIMITED, Abuja | 08055103177 |
 | Min-Technology Global Computer Services Abuja | 08070619868 07026424250 |
 | Mobi Serve Technologies Limited , Abuja | 08023079949 |
 | Mobi Serve Technology Ltd Abuja | 08023079949, 09-4801931 |
 | Mobile Engineer Associate Abuja | 08054255669 |
 | Modern Business Services And Solutions Abuja | 08184226353, 08098806006 |
 | Modez Computers Nig Ltd Abuja | 08036019111 08055134683 |
 | Mohammed Umar Abdullahi Abuja | 08039677325 |
 | Mojek Dynamics Services Ltd Abuja | 08035621849 07042553519 |
 | Moratek Ventures Ltd Abuja | 08033268849 |
 | Mork Pok Nigeria Limited Abuja | 08025237711 07030336500 |
 | Morocco Electronics Nig. Ltd Abuja | 08033502901 08054183452 |
 | Moscom Nig. Ltd Abuja | 08035905689 |
 | MOUNTZION HOLDING NIG. Abuja | 08037053603 |
 | Mstudios Enterprises Abuja | 08055787878 |
 | Mudango Computer Ltd Abuja | 08023567982 08035965350 |
 | Muhakas Resources Ltd Abuja | 08035532360 |
 | MUKHAIL EKO GLOBAL VENTURE Abuja | 08079041996 |
 | Multi-lec Electronics Ltd Abuja | 08065302626 09-6706130 |
 | Multi-tech Abuja | 08051704121 |
 | Multi-tech Electronics Company Ltd Abuja | 09-235607 |
 | MUNAK GROUP LTD, Abuja, | |
 | Mustard Seed Computer Training School Abuja | 08065337788 |
 | Mutic Computer Services Abuja | 08065354848 |
 | Mutril Computer Services Abuja | 08065354848 |
 | N I I T Abuja Centre Abuja | 09-4132027-8 080362322538 |
 | N-DEE AND ASSOCIATES Abuja | 08055083076 07036066647 |
 | N.c.t Electronics & Satellite Comm.Abuja | 08035000732 08071988272 |
 | NairaShop Abuja | 09099092923,0909-292-3410 |
 | Naking Global Nig. Ltd Abuja | 08033087138 |
 | NAKING GROUP NIG. LTD, Abuja | 08033087138 |
 | NATHAN GOLD LTD Abuja | 08035653735 08051264849 |
 | National/panasonic Abuja | |
 | Nationwide Domestic Appliances Co. Ltd Abuja | 09-6721881 08036425511 |
 | Nazaks Invest. Servs. Ltd. Abuja | 07036502603 |
 | Ncse Worldwide Abuja | 09-8747853 07055581734 |
 | ND CO. ELECTRICALS NIG. Abuja | 08065489966 |
 | ND GENERAL COMPUTERS NIG. LTD Abuja | 08033153546 08074895775 |
 | Ndu-tex Investment Ltd Abuja | 08029031422 08037863600 |
 | Nduman Computers Abuja | 08034507149 08032635118 |
 | Nebeuwa Best Abuja | 08033138934 08055842582 |
 | Neet Panasonic Ltd Abuja | 09-2345240 2345242 |
 | Nelson Online Mall Abuja | 08060753640 08063448228 |
 | Nemone Investment Limited Abuja | 08033021969 |
 | Net Solutions Abuja, | 08037870385 |
 | Netserve System Limited Abuja | 08037863660 07025583633 |