Brand Logo |
Branch Name |
Phone Number |
 | NMR Guest ouse Lagos | +234 1 860073 |
 | Noah's Ark Hotel & Suites Lagos | +234-1-2799050 |
 | Novotel Lagos | +234-1-7642354 |
 | Nowoola Palace Hotels and Suites Lagos | 08036626621,08020712743 |
 | Oak Hotel Lagos | +234-702-316-5515 +234 - 702-316-5506 |
 | Oak Hotels Ltd Lagos | 234 1 288 3052 589 0552 |
 | Oakspring Hotel & Luxury Suites Lagos | 08133994153,08088216394 |
 | Oasis Hotels Lagos | +234 1 821609 |
 | Oasis Hotels Ltd Lagos | 234 1 821 609 |
 | Ocean Delite Lagos | |
 | Ocean Gold Hotels Lagos | 234 1 587 876 587 8877 |
 | Ocean Suites & Hotels Lagos | +234-0802 392 4832 |
 | Ogun-Oluwa Int Hotel Ltd Lagos | +234 1 5452324 |
 | Ojota International Motel Lagos | +234- 708-000-8386 |
 | Okiki Hotel Lagos | +234- 1 - 8124106 +234 - 802 351 7781 +234 - 803 332 7044 |
 | Okla Royal Suites & Hotels Lagos | +234-815-143-4976 +234-709-873-2716 |
 | Olubukun Guest House Lagos | |
 | Omission Luxury Suites Lagos | +234- 802-351-3701 |
 | Omisson Luxury Suites Limited Lagos | (+234-1) 2793628 7911269 (+234-80) 38597556 38302929 |
 | Onas Hotel Lagos | +234- 1 -452-0104 |
 | One Nation Gardens Lagos | (+234-1) 8117443 2812058 5894011 +234-8062766248 |
 | Orchid Hotels Lagos | +234 -808-988-3216 +234- 709-814-1600 |
 | Oriental Hotel Lagos | +234-1-2806600 |
 | Osaa Pool Bar Lagos | +234- 803-395-6500 +234 - 706-381-7832 |
 | Oskface Bizserve Limited Lagos | 08030761413,08111781114 |
 | OYESQUARE HOTEL Lagos | 08024448862 |
 | Panache Hotel Lagos | 234 1 261 4812 262 0444 262 0443 |
 | Panache Hotels Lagos | (+234-1) 7926403 2614812 2620443 |
 | Panache Lagos | +234 1 2621326 |
 | Panama Hotel Lagos | +234 1 4521799 |
 | Panama Hotel Ltd Lagos | 234 1 452 1799 462 1498 |
 | PANAMA HOTELS LTD Lagos | 01-7407142 |
 | Paracon Hotel Lagos | 234 1 833 615 |
 | Paragon Hotel Lagos | 01-833615 848634 848802 |
 | Paragon Hotels ltd Lagos | +234 1 833615 |
 | Parallax Guest House Lagos | +234- 1 -7616618 +234 - 1- 4797785 +234 - 1-7733141 |
 | Park Lane Hotel Lagos | +234-1-7647348 |
 | PARK LANE HOTELS LTD Lagos | 01-7647346 07034888734 08073179978 |
 | PARKLANE HOTELS LTD Lagos | 01-7647348 07034888734 |
 | Parkview Astoria Lagos | (+234-1) 8179701 8179702 +234-8060105273 |
 | Peaceland Hotels Ltd Lagos | +234 1 860993.+2348028934598 |
 | Pearl Court Residence & Hotels Lagos | +234- 1 -8990592 +234- 7- 43534086 |
 | Pearl Hotel Lagos | +234-704-353-4086 +234-1-807-060-0097 +234-1-899-0592 |
 | Peninsula Hotel Lagos | |
 | Peninsula Resort Ltd Lagos | +234 1 2621895 |
 | Peninsula Waterfront Ltd Lagos | 01-2617168 |
 | Perfect havens apartments Lagos | +2348039780521,08171122443 |
 | PICCADILLY SUITES Lagos | +234 -1-7610461 +234-80-62798505 |
 | Popular Jay 3 Hotel Lagos | +234 1 2647349 |
 | Port Harcourt Lagos | |
 | Precinth Comfort Lagos | (+234-1) 2707314 2712884 2712885 +234-80-32031043 |
 | Pricestay Lagos | +234 813 907 0432 |
 | Primal Hotel Lagos | 09081745000 08186175928 08080986418,09081745000 08186175928 08080986418 |
 | Protea Hotel Ikoyi Westwood Lagos | +234-1-4625160 +234-80-33013382 |
 | Protea Hotel Kuramo Waters Lagos | +234-1-2712962-4 |
 | PROTEA HOTEL LEADWAY Lagos | 01-2790800 |
 | PROTEA HOTEL OAKWOOD PARK Lagos | +234-1-2702900 |
 | PROTEA HOTEL VICTORIA ISLAND Lagos | +234-1-4610236 |
 | Protea Hotel Victoria Island Lagos | 014485693,09084440666 |
 | Purple Crown Hotel Lagos | +2348145333000 |
 | Radisson Blu Anchorage Hotel Lagos | +234-1-4610125 +234-7080610000 |
 | Remsal Hotel Ltd Lagos | 234 1 452 1067 452 0176 520 835 520 861 |
 | Lagos | 08188128392 |
 | Rexona Hotel Lagos | 234 (0) 803 325 2978 802 317 1105 |
 | Rita Lori Hotels Ltd Lagos | 234 1 870 9582 |
 | RITA LORI HOTELS LTD Lagos | (+234-1) 8709582 831783 831775 830559 |
 | RITALORI HOTEL Lagos | +234 1 831775 |
 | Ritalori Hotels Lagos | +234 1 831775 |
 | Road XIV Lagos | +234-1-854 4697 +234-8060123372 |
 | Royal Suites Ltd Lagos | (+234-1) 2624833 7914203 4612648-50 7914205 7209011 |
 | Rroyal Kaft Hotel Lagos | +234 812 902 9205 |
 | SAR-CI-NO Night Club Lagos | +234 1 2693763 |
 | Selectra Hotel and Suites Lagos | 09060003135 |
 | Selino Suites Ltd Lagos | +234 1 7747049 |
 | Silvergate Travels & Tours Ltd Lagos | 09030142922,09030142922 |
 | Singapore Hotels Lagos | +234 1 2667936 |
 | Smridus - VI Lagos | 08023485610 07083292071 |
 | SMS SERVICE NG Lagos | 2348099272332 2347039647551 |
 | Somerset Court Lagos | 014619892,+2348035565126 |
 | SOMERSET COURT Lagos | (+234-1) 7739783 2626105 |
 | Southern Sun Hotels and Resort Lagos | +234-1-2805200 |
 | Splendour Travels Lagos | 08055186257,08123020325 |
 | Spring Field Hotel Lagos | +234 1 883423 |
 | Standard Group of Hotels Lagos | (+234-1) 8968936 8713691-4 4521503 4521649 ((+234-80) 34026708 33026635 52281773 36935276 33486801 |
 | Standard Super Hotel Nig Ltd Lagos | +234 1 4521503 |
 | Star Motels (nig) Ltd Lagos | 01-5878413 |
 | Star Motels Nigeria Ltd Lagos | +234-1-5878413 |
 | Stop Over Motels Ltd Lagos | (+234-1) 4523839 4523642 4523563 4520588 4527932 4707557-8 |
 | Subway Hotel Lagos | +234-1-8754134 |
 | SUBWAY HOTELS Lagos | 01-8754134 |
 | SUITE XVIII Lagos | +234-1-7379621 |
 | Sunfit International Limited Lagos | +234-702-836-6220 +234- 809-632-0300 +234-1-816-6967 |
 | Sunrise Hotel Lagos | +234 1 5454399 |
 | Surulere Guest House Lagos | 08033376263 01-7607716 |
 | Sxtem and Team Service Lagos | 08095000681,+2348033029841 |
 | TARKWA BAY Lagos | |
 | Temperance Hotel Lagos | |
 | Temydee Enterprises Lagos | +2347020576757 |
 | Tenderloin Enterprises Ltd (Whispering Palms Holiday) Lagos | (+234-1) 7741279 7745255 |
 | Terrace Green Hotels & Suites Lagos | +234- 807-800-1881 +234 - 808-047-8019 |