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Browse all branches of Keystone Bank In Port-Harcourt

Home Banks Keystone Bank

Formally known as Keystone Bank Limited, Keystone Bank is one of Nigeria’s prominent commercial banks licensed by the country’s banking regulator, the Central Bank of Nigeria. Acquired from the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) in 2017, Keystone Bank is a full-service commercial bank currently owned by the Sigma Golf River Bank Consortium.

CBN granted banking license to Keystone Bank in 2011 at the same time as it revoked the banking license of the Bank PHB, formerly known as Platinum Habib Bank, the fifth largest financial services provider in Nigeria of the time. Keystone Bank Limited assumed the deposit liabilities, certain other liabilities, and assets of former Bank PHB PLC.

Brand Logo Branch Name Phone Number
Aba Road Ph Branch Port Harcourt
Aggrey Rd Branch Port Harcourt
Bori Camp Branch Port Harcourt
Ikwere road. Ph Branch Port Harcourt
Onne rd., ph Branch Port Harcourt
Trans amadi road. Ph Branch Port Harcourt