Brand Logo |
Branch Name |
Phone Number |
| Bintor Cyber Cafe Akwa Ibom | 08064761071 |
| Biolinks Network Limited Rivers | 08025275700 |
| Bios Computer And Infotech Service Lagos | 07063967738 |
| Bitoks Business Centre & Cybercafe Abia | 234 1 2621896 |
| Bitt Lagos | 08161146114,08087887878 |
| Bj Concepts Limited Lagos | 07038595104 |
| BJ Integrated Computer & Communication Ltd Lagos | 234 1 8128379,7429145,(0)802 319 1854 |
| Bj Integrated Computer And Communication Limited Lagos | 018128379,017429145 |
| Blackbox Solutions Lagos | 07065108527 |
| Blue Fox Media Works Limited Lagos | 08023014399,08186634399 |
| Bmd Links Nigeria Limited Gombe | 07063764850,08114162227 |
| BNC communication Lagos | 08021070938,08101769497 |
| Bof Cybercafe Rivers | 234 84 238060, 481923, (0)803 310 4182 |
| Bookworth Cybercafe Lagos | 234 (0)803 723 2256 |
| Boundless Internet Lagos | +234-1-7921515, +234-1-8123111 |
| Brain Box Services Ventures Ondo | 08037121221 |
| BRAINGATE E-SERVICES Jos | 08037035932, 08032853686 |
| Brandleys Lagos | 234 1 5850003, 7744585 |
| BRIFTAN BUSINESS CENTRE Warri | 053-321144, 08023243902 |
| Brinel Intergrated Systems Limited Lagos | 08032861173 |
| Briscoe Technologies Limited Lagos | 012718732,017602550 |
| Broad Band Tech. Abuja | 09-3140611-2, 08033154177 |
| Broad Based Communication Limited Lagos | 012132540 |
| Broadband Technologies Limited Lagos | 012673531, 012673826 |
| Broadband Technology Limited Lagos | +234-80-72056533 |
| BROADWAY INTERNET CAFE Port Harcourt | 084-488569 |
| Brossa Worldwide Links Lagos | 07093472221,07045198484 |
| Brothers DotCom Lagos | 234 1 8117687, (0)803 360 2219 |
| BROWN COOKIEE Jos | 08065755426 |
| Abuja | 09-5230670, 5230542 |
| Browsenet Cyber Caf Abuja | 08068144917 |
| BROWSENET CYBER CAFE Abuja | 08068144917 |
| Bryne Consulting Limited Lagos | 07025016023,08023070806 |
| Burton World Abuja | 08036652400 |
| Businessindex Nigeria Abuja | 09-8707025,08033497109 |
| Bynary Craft Kaduna | 08028187006,08071671925 |
| Bzee Technology Abuja | |
| C & N Abuson United Investment Limited Abia | (+234-1) 7917100,4808028 |
| C And F Porter Novelli Lagos | 012708267,012708341 |
| CBC NETCOMMS Lagos | +234 1 7120510,+234 1 7120520 |
| Ccgsc Tripe Caf Abuja | 08030406623 |
| Ccgsc Tripe Cafe Abuja | 08030406623 |
| CEDAR NETWORKS Abuja | +234 9053386000,+234 8135470404 |
| Cellular World Lagos | 08036054710 |
| Celonix Technologies Limited Abuja | 08035905591, 07069069256 |
| Celtech Limited Abuja | 08177431504 |
| Ceo Cybercafe Ogun | 08030858079,08026145590 |
| Cephas Concepts Technologies Ekiti | 08032129683,08061557279 |
| Challydoff Limited Abuja | +234 0807 609 4888 |
| Chi Uzor Commerce Limited Lagos | 07045898456 |
| CHIBO CYBER CAFE & BUSINESS CENTRE Warri | 08033967796 |
| Chifed Limited Anambra | 08169174275 |
| Chinex Computers Abuja | 08050808414 |
| Chipset Technologies Limited Abuja | 08037217016,097809684 |
| Chisochitech Limited Abia | 234 1 42 305 777 |
| Choice247 Abia | 234 1 7360176 |
| Choicewap Limited Plc Rivers | 08164074368,07031030659 |
| Choizcom Limited Lagos | (+234-1) 7747521,7733703,(+234-80) 33017538,33342929 |
| Christech System International Lagos | 08055557755,018523455 |
| Chromeace Concepts Ltd Abuja | 08034502920, 07027873542 |
| Cisco Systems Incorporation Abia | |
| Citiwide Comm. Ltd Abuja | 08033319482, 07026079295 |
| City Delight Cafe Lagos | +234-1-4618164, +234-80-33047063 |
| Cityfibre Lagos | +234-903-000-0923,+234-903-115-6943 |
| Citzar Lagos | 012713915,012713916 |
| Class Act Cybercafe Lagos | 234 1 4978142, 8116574 |
| Classic Height Cyber Caf Abuja | 09-5241536 |
| Clems Communications Lagos | 08037262490 |
| Clemz Cyber Caf Abuja | 08033420888 |
| Clever Technology And System Nigeria Limited Delta | 08052329375,08052329375 |
| Clever Technology delta | 08062428987 |
| Clickspert Innovations Lagos | 08165599960 |
| Climax Investment Company Lagos | 08098650260,08034160922 |
| Clin Cyber Caf & Business Centre Abuja | 08033180305, 08057075788 |
| Clobal Business Centre Abuja | 09-5234825 |
| Cobra Net Ltd Lagos | 234 1 2716269,7655777 |
| Cobranet Limited Lagos | (+234-1) 4445656-9,2716269,2704588-9 |
| Codet Technology Nigeria Lagos | 08059844173,08154863388 |
| Coix Caf Abuja | 08033118398 |
| Comfort Computer Center Ondo | 08101811978 |
| Communication And Internet Consultancy Lagos | 08039289770,08026017329 |
| Compass Communication Lagos | 08028006211 |
| Compat Bonaventures Lagos | 08098445228,08064452281 |
| Computel System Nigeria Limited Ondo | 08030685820,08054069300 |
| Computer And Information Technology Nigeria Imo | 08033437614 |
| Computer Business Centre Abuja | |
| Computer Center Ekiti | 07068759733,07061075251 |
| Computer Grace Ventures Bayelsa | 08051201262,08038032713 |
| Comsys Unique Ventures Lagos | 08023423073,08050302929 |
| Comsys Ventures Lagos | 017394462 |
| Cool Caf Abuja | 09-6720969 |
| Cool Caf Lagos | 08023182639 |
| Coquina Software Company Limited Akwa Ibom | 07002678462 |
| Corporate Internet Cafe Abuja | 08051396699 |
| CORRET CYBER CAFE Abuja | 07042648239 |
| Cosmic Guide Ventures Abuja | 09-2345754, 08044181261 |
| Costancy Int. Cyber Caf Abuja | 08023586357 |
| CREATIVE MINDS MEDIA CENTER Jos | 08036146938, 07093674116 |